Create a personalized image campaign tag
Once your personalized image template is complete, you can add it to a campaign mailing personalized image tag.
Create your campaign tag
In Campaigns, create a new campaign or use the edit icon for an existing one to add a new content automation tag.
Select New Campaign and name it, or use the pencil icon to add your template to an existing campaign. Use the plus sign icon to show the widget options menu, then select the content automation widget graph icon in the Rules category.
Name your new mailing tag, then Next to enter a description and select the template for your personalized content automation mailing tag. Use the Next button to continue. If you need to make a change, you can use the Previous button to return and make changes.
Enter a URL for your campaign mailing's landing page. You can customize your link to include tracking code information.
Select Next and your personalized image content automation mailing tag will generate. Copy the content and include in your email!
Test your personalized image campaign mailing tag
To test your personalized image, select the URL in the img src portion of the generated tag. Copy it and paste into a browser. Then edit the parameters that correspond to your personalization fields. Set up your parameters and merge tags in your settings to have these automatically update. You can test how your template behaves with empty parameters or with content that fits in any text function limits you may have included.
<a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="400" border="0" /></a>
Edit your campaign mailing's underlying template
If testing shows you need to modify your template layout, return to the Template section and make any necessary changes. Return to Campaigns and select the edit pencil icon to open the campaign. Then select the edit pencil icon under the campaign mailing.
On the template selection step, select the checkbox for Change template, make sure the edited template is selected from your available templates, then proceed through the remaining steps without any other changes until you see your newly generated campaign mailing tag.
Your personalized image campaign mailing tag will update to use the edited template. Since the Litmus Personalize tag link will not change, even if it is already deployed your email will update automatically.
Customize your tag with tracking code information
Analytics tracking parameters associated with links like Google Analytics or your ESP tracking can become part of your Litmus Personalize tag actions.
Include your tracking URL as the landing page link in your personalized image campaign mailing.
Your tracking parameters are not visible in the final personalized tag URLs but when you visit your tag's href, you'll see that it redirects to the landing page URL with all your tracking included.