Create a personalized image template

Including subscriber information in an image gives a personal touch to your email. Use your personalized image content automation template in a personalized image campaign mailing.

Create a personalized image content automation template

Start in the Templates section of Litmus Personalize and select the Content Automation tab. Use the New Template link in the upper right corner of the pane. Any existing templates will appear below.

lp templates tab with content automation selected and new template link indicated

Add a name in the Description field. Be sure to check the High resolution checkbox.

NOTE: A previous checkbox for Anti-alias is no longer in the template builder. Please disregard it in any images below.

The content automation template builder starts on the Content source tab but you won't need one for a personalized image. Select the background canvas, then switch to the Inspector tab to adjust the size, change the background color or make it transparent with the checkbox selector, or upload a background image.

NOTE: Images can be up to 1.0 MB. Litmus Personalize cannot include larger files.

We've uploaded a background image. Images can be PNG or JPG formats and will be uploaded at their original size. Use the Inspector layout options to adjust its width and height as needed. Background images can also be easily deleted.

content automation template with uploaded background and inspector tab options

To add elements to your personalized image template, use the large + icon in the upper left corner. Every element starts as a text field. You will use various controls around the text box to make each element display the content you want, and use other controls in the right side panel tabs to adjust size, location, and presentation options. Start with the blue link connect tool to the right of the text box to connect a source for the block element.

content block added to canvas and connect tool indicated

In the Connect source popup, choose the URL parameter radio button, then enter the Parameter name in the entry field. The name must match a source from your ESP subscriber data fields. Providers may use different field names for data so be sure the format is correct for yours. Select Done to save the source for this content block.

connect source popup with url parameter entry field

Use the text controls to align the text, choose a font, and change the font size or color, and the right pane layout controls in the General tab to position the element.

Add more text around your personalization source using the Text tab in the Inspector. To add text before your parameter, enter words in the Prefix field. Include a space after the text you enter so that your personalization source parameter appears as the next word.

The Suffix field will place anything you enter right after your parameter. You can add punctuation or start with a space and continue with the rest of a sentence.

content block text format toolbar circled and inspector's text tab with prefix and suffix entries

The Text tab also includes a variety of functions you can use to define how and when your parameter displays. In our example, we chose Replace if empty in case our subscriber data does not include information for a particular person and we added an alternative word as a replacement.

To help keep our design from potentially distorting, we also chose the Replace if longer function to define the largest number of characters our parameter can return. If our subscriber data for a particular person is longer than that number, our alternative word will be inserted instead.

Inspector text tab functions with two applied to the parameter content block

You can apply one or more template text functions to fine tune a content block.

dropdown of all functions in inspector text functions area

Preview your personalized image template

You can easily preview your template using the eye icon above the canvas workspace. In our example, we noticed some of our text was cut off! To correct that, we selected the content block and adjusted the width, height, and position in the Inspector tab.

Add more personalization parameter blocks

Your personalized image template can include multiple parameter source blocks. To speed adding them, you can copy your first personalization block and change the parameter in the URL parameter field, or add new blocks, place and customize each of them individually.

additional parameter block added to personalized image template with prefix, suffix, and functions showing in Inspector pane's text tab


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