Create a progress bar

Personalize Pro allows you to automatically generate live progress bar images in an email based on an individual customer’s status or behavior. Progress bars can inspire engagement by showing a customer how many points they've earned toward a reward, how long they have until their next upgrade, or how many tasks they have completed in an event.

Start in Templates from the top menu and then select Content Automation from the left sidebar. You can create a new template by selecting the green + New Template button in the upper right.

personalize pro templates page with content automation selected in left menu

Add a template name in the Lorem ipsum dolor field at the top left. Select the + Add Block button on the left. Next, change the Block Type to Progress via the dropdown on the right sidebar.

Progress showing as selected option in the Block Type dropdown

Once you've selected Progress as the Block Type, you'll see a Progress Bar tab appear in the right sidebar. Select that tab and you'll have the option to adjust your Min and Max value (max of 100), as well as make other adjustments.

Progress Bar tab showing in right sidebar

Next, select the Connect source icon on your block. 

arrow pointing to connect source icon

In the Connect Source modal, select URL parameter. The Parameter name field is where you'll add the name of the merge tag you want to use. For more control over your progress bar parameters, try setting visibility conditions.

URL parameter selected and Parameter name field showing

When you've finished your design, save your new progress bar with the button in the upper right corner.

finished progress bar content automation template to use in a campaign

Go to the Merge Tag Management section of your settings to add and define the merge tag for your parameter. Setting up Merge Tag Management now means you won't have to manually update the Personalize tag HTML you create later. Ultimately this will be how you pull in the personalization data (ie customer's points or rewards) from your CRM. 

Once you have your progress bar how you like it, it's time to set up your campaign and get your tag!

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