Create a content automation campaign

Before creating a campaign, ensure you already have created a Content Automation template.

Getting Started

Navigate to the campaign section of the platform:

Navigate to an existing campaign or or create a new campaign. From the dropdown widget menu, click on the Content Automation icon and select the template you wish to use:

First, add a href for the tag. There are two options: use the individual product link for each line in your product feed to create a dynamic link (example shown below) which is the most popular, or otherwise send to a static link.

To generate the dynamic link, click on ‘Insert’ before selecting the website link from the feed.

There are three types of conditions which will filter your feed:

  1. String – looks for exact text matches in the feed e.g. pulling through only womenswear products
  2. Number – looks for exact number matches in the feed e.g. price needs to be greater than 15 or quantity needs to be greater than 5
  3. URL – looks to match the feed with merged CRM data e.g. merging in someone’s category affinity.

Top Tip – to ensure the field doesn’t become case sensitive, especially with URL data always tick ‘Ignore Case’

Merging in CRM data

Once you’ve used a URL condition and you’ve generated the Tag you will see a Tag similar to the following:

<a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a><br>

Replace value from the end of the href and img src with your ESP or CRM’s merge code for the field you wish to use. These vary from ESP to ESP, with examples such as %%categorypref%% or {{categorypref}}. Please ask the ESP in question to find out the exact merge codes

More than one position?

You have now created the ‘master’ tag, showing content from position 1 in the feed. It is not necessary to repeat this process to create multiple tags. Instead, simply add the position into the tag so as to use the Tag multiple times in one email html:

Code Positioning
Img Src ending in .png – Add positioning after ‘’ pos_1/31625/ pc5EjUJfLQwjPxYmrEaz/imgdf.png pos_2/31625/ pc5EjUJfLQwjPxYmrEaz/imgdf.png pos_3/31625/ pc5EjUJfLQwjPxYmrEaz/imgdf.png
Hrefs and Img Src ending in URL merges Href: &pos=1 Img Src ending in URL merge: &pos=1

Once live, look at the reporting with our guide here.

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