Create your Personalize Pro content source
Your content source is the backbone of your Content Automation template. Set up the source that serves content you want your subscriber to see in the moment!
Start in the Content sources section in Litmus Personalize Pro for any content source option you want to include. Use the +Content Source button in the upper left corner to create your new item and build it step by step.
CSV content source
Your CSV source is a standard format file with 1 item per row, and a 20MB maximum size. Endpoint response time is under 1 second.
Name your new content source and select the CSV radio button as your content source type. Choose the file separator that matches your file content.
CSV content source creation skips Step 2, so you'll go directly to Step 3.
Paste the http/https link to your csv feed into the Endpoint data field, then choose Test Request to retrieve your feed content. It will populate the Response pane.
In Step 4, you can optionally select a distinct key for your content source. A distinct key allows you to show only one of an item that may be listed in your feed multiple times.
Example: A fashion retailer may have an item called Floral Summer Dress in the title column and this item may be listed in the feed in 6 different rows because there are 6 different sizes. If you apply a distinct key on title, only one of each product with the same title will appear in the email.
If Floral Summer Dress was available in multiple colors you could apply two keys - one on title and one on color. Then your email will show one of Floral Summer Dress in each of the available colors.
If you don't need a distinct key, select Save content source in the lower right corner.
Your new CSV content source is now available in your library and ready to use with a Content automation template!
XML content source
Your XML content source can include 1 array with 1 element each, up to 1000 arrays. Total file size can be 20MB, and API response time is under 400ms.
Name your new content source, and select the XML radio button as your content source type.
XML content source creation skips Step 2, so you'll go directly to Step 3.
In the endpoint box, paste the http/https link to your XML feed. Choose Test request to retrieve the feed. You'll see your data populate in the Response field. If the feed is large, it may take a few seconds to see a response.
Continue to Step 4 to optionally select a distinct key for your content source. A distinct key allows you to show only one of an item that may be listed in your feed multiple times.
Example: A fashion retailer may have an item called Floral Summer Dress in the title column and this item may be listed in the feed in 6 different rows because there are 6 different sizes. If you apply a distinct key on title, only one of each product with the same title will appear in the email.
If Floral Summer Dress was available in multiple colors you could apply two keys - one on title and one on color. Then your email will show one of Floral Summer Dress in each of the available colors.
If you don't need a distinct key, select Save content source in the lower right corner.
Your new XML content source is now available in your library and ready to use with a Content automation template!
JSON content source
Your JSON content source can include 1 array with 1 element each, up to 1000 arrays. Total file size can be 20MB, and API response time is under 400ms.
Name your new content source, and select the JSON radio button as your content source type.
Standard JSON content source creation skips Step 2, so you'll go directly to Step 3.
- Choose the API request type (POST or GET) and enter the endpoint of the API.
- Include any relevant data in the HEADERS and BODY tab sections. Your header could include content-type, cookie headers, or an API key.
- Body elements are payload parameters that can filter the API content for more specific results, such as offset, region, category, or limit.
- Select Test Request. You'll see Response content appear if the connection is successful.
On to Step 4 to select one or more distinct keys for your content source. Distinct keys allow your content source to display unique values even if there are multiple items with similar field content.
For example if a feed contains child SKUs with all the different available sizing, a distinct key set to the product_name field will only return unique values of that field instead of repeating every size option.
Apply the distinct key to more than one field to prevent displaying data that duplicates the values of both of the fields.
Your new JSON content source is now available in your library and ready to use with a Content automation template!
NOTE: If your data results aren't what you had in mind, contact your AM or your CSM to discuss Custom functions.
JSON content source with oAuth
Your JSON content source can include 1 array with 1 element each, up to 1000 arrays. Total file size can be 20MB, and API response time is under 400ms.
Name your new content source, and select the JSON radio button as your content source type. Check the oAuth is required box.
In Step 2, set up your oAuth request.
- Select the API type (POST or GET) and enter the endpoint of the API.
- Do not include any Headers or Body content at this point.
- Select the Test request button to see a response. If you see an error message, check your authentication parameters and other header data.
A correct oAuth request will provide an access_token in the Response panel.
For Step 3, set up your main HTTP request.
- Choose the API request type (POST or GET) and enter the endpoint of the API.
- Include any relevant data in the HEADERS and BODY tab sections. Your header could include content-type, cookie headers, or an API key.
- Body elements are payload parameters that can filter the API content for more specific results, such as offset, region, category, or limit.
- Select Test Request. You'll see Response content appear if the connection is successful.
With Step 4, select one or more distinct keys for your content source. Distinct keys allow your content source to display unique values even if there are multiple items with similar field content.
For example if a feed contains child SKUs with all the different available sizing, a distinct key set to the product_name field will only return unique values of that field instead of repeating every size option.
Apply the distinct key to more than one field to prevent displaying data that duplicates the values of both of the fields.
Your new oAuth JSON content source is now available in your library and ready to use with a Content automation template!
NOTE: If your data results aren't what you had in mind, contact your AM or your CSM to discuss Custom functions.
JSON 1-2-1 content source
Connect a JSON 1-2-1 content source to assign variable data that displays one item of specific live content to a user at the time of every email open.
Your JSON content source can include 1 array with 1 element each, up to 1000 arrays. Total file size can be 20 MB, and API response time is under 400ms.
Name your new content source, and select the JSON radio button as your content source type.
1-2-1 JSON content sources skip Step 2, so you'll go directly to Step 3 where you will set up your main HTTP request.
- Choose the API request type (POST or GET) and enter the endpoint of the API.
- Include any relevant data in the HEADERS and BODY tab sections. Your header could include content-type, cookie headers, or an API key.
- Body elements are payload parameters that can filter the API content for more specific results, such as offset, region, category, or limit.
- Check the Enable 1-2-1 box on the left side, then use the 1-2-1 Parameters tab to add specific parameters that will filter your content. You can use any parameters that are included in your API data.
- Select Test Request. You'll see Response content appear if the connection is successful.
Once you have selected your parameters for the filter, you will need to append them to your endpoint. Include each one separated by an & and with the parameter in %%.
EXAMPLE: ¶meter1=%%parameter1%%¶meter2=%%parameter2%%
With the single 1-2-1 parameter in our example endpoint image, the final parameter looks like this:
IMPORTANT: You must add the parameters manually for Personalize Pro to include a placeholder for your parameter merge tag to be included in the final tag code.
Step 4 includes selecting a caching key for your content source. Expand each option to find a field that provides the narrowest filter for your content. Your caching key helps to make sure duplicates in your content source are not returned in your tag.
Your new JSON 1-2-1 content source is now available in your library and ready to use with a Content automation template!
NOTE: If your data results aren't what you had in mind, contact your AM or your CSM to discuss Custom functions.