Create a social signals campaign tag

Now that you have your social signals polling template, the next step is to set up your campaign to create the URLs you'll need in your email to collect your social signals data.

Set up your Campaign

Select Campaigns in the top menu and then choose the New Campaign link.

Enter a name for your campaign and select Create.

Choose the + icon to Create new mailing and TAG, then find the green arrow Polling option in the Contextual group.

Cumulative social signals

In the Polling modal, start with entering a mailing name. Next, enter a description for your tag.

In the next step, select your social signals polling template.

choose a polling template modal

Your final step to create your social signals polling links is to include the URL for your landing page. This URL will become part of the redirect in your Litmus Personalize polling tag that can count your subscribers' total clicks.

Once you've included your landing page URL, select Generate tag in the lower right corner. Your Litmus Personalize tag code is ready for you to insert in your email! Copy the tag code from the final step or you can access it in your mailing under Campaigns.

generated social signals polling tag code

campaign manager screen with tag copy icons indicated at the right of each tag

IMPORTANT: If you edit your template or want to change templates, you cannot update an existing social signals mailing tag. You will need to create a new campaign with your new or edited template.

Individual results social signals

In the Polling modal, start with entering a mailing name. Next, enter a description for your tag.

In the next step, select your desired social signals polling template, then choose Next.

template selection for social signals polling

Select the Use multiple landing pages checkbox to expand entry options for each answer choice in your template. You will have one landing page option for each answer choice you set up in your template. Fill in the URLs, then select Generate TAG.

multiple landing pages url entry step

Once you've included all your landing page URLs, select Generate tag in the lower right corner. Your Litmus Personalize tag code is ready for you to insert in your email! Copy the tag code from the final step or you can access it in your mailing under Campaigns.

animation showing full tag copy and individual answer copy options for tag code

campaign manager screen with tag copy icons indicated at the right of each tag

IMPORTANT: If you edit your template or want to change templates, you cannot update an existing social signals mailing tag. You will need to create a new campaign with your new or edited template.


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