Nearest store tags
Litmus Personalize is capable of providing nearest store functionality for driving traffic to physical locations of your business. A nearest store tag will display a map showing nearest physical locations, based on the recipients location, when they open the email.
How it works
When a recipient clicks on the map within the email, they can be given directions to the nearest store in:
They can also be directed to a different landing page, such as the store locator on your website. Use your nearest store tag with Rule Builder to show a subscriber specific items or information, or to display fallback content when Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) is enabled. |
The nearest store tag uses IP-based geolocation (GeoIP) services that match the IP address or MAC address with the geographic location of the internet-connected device. Accuracy of GeoIP can vary and privacy settings or proxy services in use by an email client or device can have an impact.
There is the option to add merge tags to specify a country and post code for the recipient. That will display the map image for that location, instead of relying on GeoIP. Clicking the map will provide directions to the nearest store powered by GPS.
Nearest store setup - contact your LP team
Your Litmus Personalize team can set up the nearest store tag for you when you provide the following information:
- A CSV file or spreadsheet of all locations including store name, latitude, longitude, address, city, and country in separate columns. For example:
- The width and height you want for your map images.
- A default image for when we can’t detect location or if there isn’t a store within the predetermined radius of open. We generally recommend this image to be the same dimensions as your map image.
- A default URL to use when it is not possible to provide directions.
- Optional design preferences:
- A custom map pin. If not provided, you'll get the default Google pin to indicate locations.
- Please provide a URL to a PNG, JPEG, or GIF image (PNG recommended) for your custom map pin. Maximum pin image size is 4096 pixels (64x64 for square images). Please provide the appropriate size pin for your map dimensions.
- Google map language code. Typically a two-letter lowercase language code and a two-letter uppercase country/region code, separated by a hyphen (-). For example:
English, United States (default option)en-GB
English, Great Britainpt-BR
Portuguese, Brazilpt-PT
Portuguese, Portugal
- Normal or 2x map image scale?
- Zoom level of the map between 0-21 (default is 9). See some examples of different zoom levels in the what you can expect section below. This is the approximate level of detail you can expect to see at each zoom level:
- 1: World
- 5: Landmass/continent
- 10: City
- 15: Streets
- 20: Buildings
- Maximum distance from a store (in meters) before the default image and URL are used. The default is 50,000 meters / 50 kilometers.
- Maximum number of pins to display per map image between 1-50 (default is 10).
- Color or greyscale?
- An optional HTML template to be applied to each generated map image. This can be used to apply any of the text fields from your spreadsheet of locations to the map image, and for any additional design elements you want to display within the image.
- We can display the text fields for the nearest store only.
- The default option without any custom HTML will generate map images with your chosen dimensions and settings.
- A custom map pin. If not provided, you'll get the default Google pin to indicate locations.
What you can expect
We will confirm that all the needed information has been received and we will build and test the nearest store tag. We'll send you the tag and also add it to your account.
Please allow a minimum of 3 business days from the time we receive all necessary information to receive your new nearest store tag.
Below are some example map images at different zoom levels.