Use weather conditions in Rule Builder

Rule Builder can help you customize your email based on your subscriber's weather conditions. Send an email that presents a different hero image, supporting content, products, or services that change with the forecast or average temperature!

Hero image swap based on weather conditions

Swap your email content to match your subscriber's weather forecast! Prepare images for the weather conditions you want to cover in your email—for example, one for sunny weather and one for rain. Prepare your MPP and fallback images, too. Then deliver an engagingly relevant email experience!

side by side hero images that can swap for sunny weather and for rainy weather

Start with MPP fallback

Fallback content appears for subscribers with Apple Mail Privacy Protection while still delivering your Litmus Personalize experience to all other users. Select Create a new tag in your mailing and then choose Rule Builder with the light green return arrows icon. Add a description for your rule builder tag in the modal that appears.
  • Define your rules in the Rule Flow modal. Rules will be implemented in the order they are entered in the flow. For the first rule, select the Condition link on the left under the If section.
  • In the Condition Editor dropdown, find Privacy Protection under the Device category. The condition dropdown to the right will automatically change to show Enabled. Save your IF condition, and choose the Edit action link under the THEN side on the right.
  • In the Action Editor, select Image from the display options, then use the Next button to continue. Choose an image to upload that you want as your fallback. In our example, we're using a general hero image to substitute for the forecast swap. Enter the required URL for your fallback image and Save your action.

Build your forecast conditions rules

Add a new rule using the link in the upper right corner. Each weather option you want to include will have an IF side that defines the weather type and a THEN side with the image you want to serve.

Forecast date settings

You have three options for your forecast settings. Each offers a different structure for when your image swap will appear for the subscriber. For best results, use the same date setting for every swapped image in your project.

forecast date settings radio button options

  • Relative date: This option tells rule builder how many days from the time of open to look for the matching weather forecasts. You can choose from 1 to 7 days after time of open.
  • Fixed date: This option provides a specific date for the forecast. Enter the day in YYYY-MM-DD format. Your forecast image will swap based on this exact date only.
  • Parameter date: This option allows you to enter a formatted parameter from your ESP to guide your rules. An example would be a forecast for an event to prepare attendees.

Final steps

Once you've included all your images and selections for each condition, include a final THEN option for your last rule. You can use the same image as your MPP fallback or a different option. Select Next to generate your code and have it ready to use in your email!

animation of completed rules and generating tag code

Show a weather forecast that matches local conditions

Some of your subscribers may be expecting weather that others won't! Target your customers with a weather forecast that matches conditions in their location or show a default image to everyone else.

Start with MPP fallback

Fallback content appears for subscribers with Apple Mail Privacy Protection while still delivering your Litmus Personalize experience to all other users. Select Create a new tag in your mailing and then choose Rule Builder with the light green return arrows icon. Add a description for your rule builder tag in the modal that appears.
  • Define your rules in the Rule Flow modal. Rules will be implemented in the order they are entered in the flow. For the first rule, select the Condition link on the left under the If section.
  • In the Condition Editor dropdown, find Privacy Protection under the Device category. The condition dropdown to the right will automatically change to show Enabled. Save your IF condition, and choose the Edit action link under the THEN side on the right.
  • In the Action Editor, select Image from the display options, then use the Next button to continue. Choose an image to upload that you want as your fallback. In our example, we're using an image but you can use a transparent pixel to collapse the space where the forecast would apperar. Enter the required URL for your fallback image and Save your action.

Set your forecast match conditions rules

Add a new rule using the link in the upper right corner. Each weather option you want to include will have an IF side that defines the weather type and a THEN side with the image you want to serve. Our forecast match is for snowy conditions so we only need one rule option.

Forecast date settings

You have three options for your forecast settings. Each offers a different structure for when your image swap will appear for the subscriber. For best results, use the same date setting for every content rule in your project.

forecast date settings radio button options

  • Relative date: This option tells Rule builder how many days from the time of open to look for the matching weather forecast. You can choose from 1 to 7 days after time of open.
  • Fixed date: This option provides a specific date for the forecast. Enter the day in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD format. Your forecast will appear based on this exact date only.
  • Parameter date: This option allows you to enter a formatted parameter from your ESP to guide your rules. As above, enter the day in YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD format. An example would be a forecast for an event with a defined date in your ESP to prepare attendees.

Final steps

Once you've included all your images and selections for each condition, include a final THEN option for your last rule. We used the same image for MPP fallback and for our final rule. Select Next to generate your code and have it ready to use in your email!

animation of final rules built and tag code generated

Average temperature message matching

With subscribers all over the world, engage them with products and services that match the conditions where they are! Make sure your subscribers see content for the temperatures - ºC or ºF - around them. Prepare images for the average temperatures you want to cover in your email, as well as your MPP and fallback images, too. Then deliver an engagingly relevant email experience!

Start with MPP fallback

Fallback content appears for subscribers with Apple Mail Privacy Protection while still delivering your Litmus Personalize experience to all other users. Select Create a new tag in your mailing and then choose Rule Builder with the light green return arrows icon. Add a description for your rule builder tag in the modal that appears.
  • Define your rules in the Rule Flow modal. Rules will be implemented in the order they are entered in the flow. For the first rule, select the Condition link on the left under the If section.
  • In the Condition Editor dropdown, find Privacy Protection under the Device category. The condition dropdown to the right will automatically change to show Enabled. Save your IF condition, and choose the Edit action link under the THEN side on the right.
  • In the Action Editor, select Image from the display options, then use the Next button to continue. Choose an image to upload that you want as your fallback. In our example, we're using a general hero image to substitute for the forecast swap. Enter the required URL for your fallback image and Save your action.

Build your average temperature conditions rules

Add a new rule using the link in the upper right corner. Each temperature option you want to include will have an IF side that defines the temperature measurement and a THEN side with the image you want to serve.

You can include multiple conditions to define the temperatures for each image. If you've used the bulk upload option, your images will be in place under the right side THEN action for each rule but you'll need to include the required URL for each of them.

You can set conditions as either AND conditions or OR conditions for any rule depending on your needs. Toggle the condition by tapping it. The default is AND.

NOTE: For temperature pairs, only one can include the or equal to statement when selecting times. You can pair is higher than or equal to with is lower than and you can pair is lower than or equal to with is higher than.

Final steps

Continue adding conditions for each image. Your final rule is the default image that will appear after your date option expires or for email clients that don't display the options.

Select Next to generate your new tag to use in your email!

animation of final temperature rules built and tag code generated


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