How do I add a .CSV content source?
This page takes you through a step-by-step guide to adding a .csv feed into the platform.
Navigate to the content sources area of the platform:
Click on '+ Content source' button on the left to open the Content Source editor.Name your new content source, and select CSV as the content source type. There are a number of different formatting options to select based on how your file is separated. Select the correct formatting option and click next. In the endpoint box, paste the http/https link to your csv feed:
Clicking on test request will make a test request to retrieve the feed. The feed data will be visible in the response section. If the feed is large, it may take a few seconds to see a response. Click next to proceed to the next step.
Next you can select a distinct key for your content source. A distinct key is applied when you wish to only show one of an item when it may be listed in the feed multiple times. For example, if you are a fashion retailer you may have a dress called 'Floral Summer Dress' in the title column - this dress may be listed in the feed in 6 different rows as you have it in 6 different sizes. However you don't want to show it 6 times in the email. Therefore you would apply a distinct key on 'title'. We would then only show one of each product with the same title in the email.
If the 'Floral Summer Dress' was available in multiple colors you could apply two keys - one on title and one on color. This means that we will show one of 'Floral Summer Dress' in each of the colors it is available in.
This step is not mandatory, if you do not need a distinct key, click 'Save Content Source'.
You will now see the content source library with your content sources:Now, if you navigate to Templates > Content Automation, and create new template, you will see your content source available for selection. Ready to create your template? Jump to Creating a Content Automation Template.