Append parameters with Rule Builder

The Rule Builder has the ability to customize your rules with data from your ESP through the use of parameters. Parameters allow you to create a data merge which is appended to the end of a Tag that will take data from your ESP at the time of send, and the combine with the context rule you have built.

ESP merge codes for your parameters

Merge codes vary from ESP provider to provider but normally look similar to %%gender%% or {{gender}}. Please check with your ESP provider for the exact format of their merge codes.

There are three types of parameters:

  • String Parameter – pulls in CRM merge text data based on subscriber data e.g. male vs female
  • UTC Datetime Parameter – based on the datetime stamp merged in from the CRM/ESP, shows different content x time before a merged date, up until x time after merged date, from x time before a merged date or from x time after merged date e.g. in automated campaigns showing such as an offer lasts 48 hours after the welcome message 1 is first sent.
  • Numeric Parameter – bring in CRM merge numerical data based on subscriber data e.g. number of orders showing different content based on if they haven’t made an order yet or have made 10 orders.

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String parameter

When you select Parameter string from the condition selector you have two selectors.

  • Parameter name = the name of the parameter in the Tag, this is set by the Litmus Personalize user with the sole purpose for you to know what data is being merged. You do not need to put in the merge code here! e.g. gender
  • Parameter value = the exact merge code from your ESP (e.g. {{gender}} or %%gender%%). After this is merged, this is the value that will tells the Litmus Personalize tag what to display. For example ‘Male’ or ‘Female’.

Once you have selected those values, you can build your rules as normal.

condition editor select operation dropdown

Use case: merging gender

Showing the most relevant content based on each gender, merge in ‘female’ and ‘male’ alike with the corresponding image / widget.

condition editor gender

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Date/time parameter

When you select UTC Datetime parameter from the available conditions, it shows a multitude of different options to count down until or from a certain time stamp.

condition editor UTC datetime parameter

Set up a date/time parameter

  1. We recommend you name the parameter for the sole purpose of knowing what data the rule builder is merging in.
  2. Input the days / hours / minutes that you want before or after the timestamp.
  3. Select the interval in respect of the merged date. There are 4 options: 
    1. Up until 0dd 0hh 0mm before merged date
    2. Up until 0dd 0hh 0mm after merged date
    3. From 0dd 0hh 0mm before merged date
    4. From 0dd 0hh 0mm after merged date

When we refer to the timestamp, this doesn’t necessarily have to be the timestamp of when the email was sent but any specific date logged against each recipient, e.g. birthday or first purchase date.

Use case: welcome offer

Show a specific discount for 2 weeks after customers sign up for a newsletter.

condition editor signup

Use case: birthday offer

Show a specific banner letting the customer know it’s their birthday soon and there’s a specific 10% discount within 2 weeks of their birthday.

condition editor birthday

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Numeric parameter

Selecting the numeric parameter condition provides similar options to the String and UTC parameters. Name the parameter, and select the numerical operator as well as the value it refers to.

condition editor numeric parameter

Use case: average order value

Show different products depending on the AOV of each customer. Select your condition and pair it with content automation tags with different price tiers.

condition editor numeric editor is higher than or equal to 500

Use case: number of orders

Show different messaging, countdown timers, products etc. dependent on whether a subscriber has already made a purchase.

condition editor numeric editor is higher than or equal to 1

For more use cases, check out Targeting parameters.


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