Target geolocation in Rule Builder

To recap, here are the conditions available to target geolocation:

  • Country – specific country at open based on GeoIP e.g. United Kingdom vs United States
  • Continent – specific continent at open based on GeoIP e.g. North America vs Europe
  • Language – specific language of operating system at open
  • GeoFence – select a geo fence radius
  • US State – specific US states at open e.g. Delaware vs Florida

Use Case 1: New Store Launch

Use the GeoFence selector to target a specific county, city or region when launching a new store in a new area:

new store launch rule builder

Use Case 2: Price Discrepancies

When your price differs per US State, use the US State selector to ensure your customers are receiving the right prices for their local stores:

price discrepancy rule builder

Use Case 3: International Events

Increase customer loyalty by celebrating localized events and holidays with them. Use the Language selector to target those with their browser settings set to Chinese with Chinese New Year content.

international events rule builder

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