Create a campaign

Campaigns are an overall collection of mailings and tags, usually with a common theme or purpose.

Campaigns and mailings

A campaign is the parent level of organization which can contain multiple mailings and multiple tags. A campaign example could be Welcome Series containing a set of different emails, each with multiple tags.

A mailing is the child layer of a campaign and each one can contain multiple tags. Mailings are usually created as a partner to an email in your ESP. In the Welcome Series example, you may have 3-4 emails you send and you can create a matching Litmus Personalize mailing for each of those emails.

💡 TIP: For simplicity, we recommend using the same naming conventions that you use in your ESP for your Personalize campaigns and mailings.

Creating a campaign

Once you sign in, you'll see the Campaigns screen. This is where you can create your first Litmus Personalize tag. Select New Campaign, give it a name in the popup window, and you'll be taken to the Campaign Manager to create your mailings and build tags.

Litmus Personalize Campaigns screen

To create your mailing, hover over the + sign icon at the right of the Campaign window. Select a widget option from the menu. Each widget has a series of unique steps to create a custom tag for your email.

Campaign Manager screen showing steps to create a new campaign

Widget groups are:

  • Rules: Rule Builder, Content Automation
  • Contextual: Countdown, Weather, Nearest Store, Polling
  • Optimization & Analytics: Image Optimizer
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