Recently added to cart items

Navigate to 'Playground' in the left-side menu and then select the recommender logic you wish to use - in this case 'Recently added to cart items'.

Once selected, the recommender configuration options will appear:

recently added to cart configuration menu

Select a start date for the live stream.

Select Attributes

Now you can select the attributes you want to include in the API response - typically these are everything you want to include in your design in your email or on site. Standard fields include:

  • Product image
  • Product title
  • Product URL
  • Price
  • Sale price
  • Quantity/availability
  • Gender/category information


You can apply filters to the recommender to filter out any unwanted products. For example, you may want to only show products from 'Womenswear' or from a specific product category, or filter out any sale items. 

filter expression field with category id entered

Run your Recommender

Once you have configured your settings you can run the recommender by clicking on the green play button. The top 10 most recently added to cart items will appear in the graph view:

graph view displaying data from recently added to cart items

You can view the output in different views by clicking on 'Grid view' or 'JSON view'.

Saving your Recommender

Once you are happy with your configuration, click on the 'CREATE RECOMMENDER' green button. You will see a popup asking for a description for your recommender. Insert a description and click save - this will create your recommender. 

The recommender will available in the 'Recommenders' area of the platform where you can export it into the Litmus Personalize platform as a content source.  

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